Sunday, November 30, 2008


Fuck fuck fuckity fuck I will stop cursing on my blog starting fucking tomorrow. I have to get all the fucking vulgarities out of my shit laced tongue. I can't say that I'm a pussy magnet anymore. I can't say bitches or ho's. I can't described my sexual exploits in detail. The blog will be alcohol free, but do note that I will not. Depression is out the fucking door. The gun and meds will be underneath my bed hidden from sight. Nothing but fucking happy thoughts from the 1st-31st. The blog will be G-Rated, just cover up the title. No more dick jokes. No more making fun of fugly people. No more road rage rants. No more jokes about STDs or taking drugs.


Euromark said...

I don't think your profanity was ever serious - you use it with too much planning. For vulgarities to work, they have to explode out of you unexpectedly, kind of like when you... :-)
Feel free to describe your sexual exploits in greatest detail - there are lots of internet forums just for that purpose, porviding media for videos of it too. At least I understand it is that way... :-Ö

Leni Qinan said...

Hm... another crisis?

I have 2 questions now.

1)Why aren't you a pussy magnet anymore?
2) What are your sexual exploits and why can't you describe them?

Your fault, you made me curious.

Btw, I always thought your rage rants had their charm. ;)

Bettina said...

I don't believe a word you say. There is no way you can stop swearing. But ok, you're on. I dare you.

Euromark said...

Well, I guess you are keeping your vow - you haven't posted any profanity - or anything else, for that matter. Surely there must be a knitting or quilting club you could tell us about...

ysfb said...

I'm always a magnet for the hotties but I just can't brag about it for December. My sexual exploits will have to be delayed until January. If they are worth metioning then I'd have to break my vow and talk about it. As for my rage, I'm trying to keep it calm when I'm driving now. The only problem is that when I ignore it, I tend to focus on the not so good things.

Betinna, I will stop cursing, on my blog at least. Can't say that'll I'll hold it in on everybody elses blog.

And as for quilting club, can't say that I've tried that yet. Last day in the club I'll end up stabbing the leader in the eye, but I'm sure I can hold in my anger to at least just stab them in the hand.

Unknown said...

Its not happening.