Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'ma poppa your assa. Bitcha.

Damn I'm bored. Damn I miss all the fucked up shit that happened last week. I'm fucking rocking right now. Listening to some damn Rob Zombie and rocking right now. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I'm so fucking morbid. Wow I fucking cursed in every fucking sentence. Lets keep the shit rolling then. I just gotta throw a party at my fucked up place. But I know that as soon as everybody comes here I'll be like who the fuck are you, get the FUCK OUT OF MY PLACE! It's one of those spur of the moments bullshit. YYYYYEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH I'm so fucking happy but I know it's gonna end soon!!! It always does damn it!

Ok it's over. I lost it. I gotta leave. I gotta really rock out. I'll try to write something more tomorrow.



Amanda said...

You just summed up my thoughts while I am at work. ha. At least you can say you were happy for a lil bit. :)

kimmyk said...

How did ya go from throwin up your rock fists and fucking everything to "ok, it's over"?
You like drama. (I say that cause you said you miss all the fucked up shit that happened last week) I say go create some. Call ex #2 up and tell her you wanna talk about your broken nose...or....I dunno...guess having a party would be a good place to start.

ysfb said...

It was just a phase. I'm over the rush. As soon as I stepped outside I felt bored and went back inside and played a video game.