I'm tired of it! I have always been the funny guy, except that period of complete darkness. People always expect me to do something really funny. All through growing up, people would just stare at me and wait as if I'm supposed to say something funny. I was a kid, do you see what kind of stress you people put me under! So I just shout out fart or snot and call it a day. It keeps them entertained for a couple of hours.
Now today I was eating some food with my friends. They stare at me too as if I haaaadddd to say something funny. My mouth full of food and they are just staring at me. So I just busted out laughing spitting food all over the place. Yeah yeah, they got a good laugh but I was the one who dropped the rest of the food on my jeans bringing on more laughter.
I admit that I am really really accident prone. I've been known to just randomly fall down some stairs for no apparent reason. Being laughed at by my older brother for a few minutes until he helps me up has always been a plus in life. But one thing I can say is that I never broke any bones falling down the stairs. One really funny story is one time I fell down the stairs and my mother heard a crack and she assumed I broke my neck. So I heard her screaming in between the constant pounding of my head hitting each step. It was just the railing cracking from just having enough of repeated hits from my limbs throughout the years. When I reached the bottom, I wasn't moving. I was just knocked out for a couple of minutes. My mom called 911 screaming and telling them I just fell down the stairs, or that's how the story goes, I was kind of out of it at the time. So the ambulance came and told me it was just a bad bruise and that I'd be ok. They told me that they have a Top People In Danger List with my name and address and all the problems I've had and have at the doctor's office (small town). Well I guess the story was more disturbing than funny.
I'll try to be more careful nowadays.
Passenger 57
Non-refundable; non-exchangeable ticket.
The flight doors are now closed!
Breaking up is an experience. It can be especially painful when you still
love t...
10 years ago
OMG. I would have flipped out if one of my kids fell down the stairs. Oh my gosh....your poor momma.
My daughter is accident prone-it's funny every time she falls or whatever the FIRST words out of her mouth is "It's ok. I'm alright!"
Same response when we hear a big loud crash.
My sister was a total tom boy, she broke her wrist twice in the span of like three months when she was like 7 or 8 and the ER personell actually took my father away to ask him questions and to ask her questions alone when he took her in the second time!! Then two weeks later he had to take me in cause I feel and hit the corner of a glass table and split my upper lip open needing stiches....he was convince they were going to take him away!!! So in short...LOL... Your poor momma... and poor you... Ooch!!
But you are the funny guy! Thats why I can't get enough of you. We laugh with you not at you.
One time I was walking down the church stairs during Christmas Eve holding this very liquid food and I tripped and fell knocking down the other people ahead of me spilling the food all over everybody. I was so embarassed. To make myself not be the one being laughed at I cried to gain sympathy. It worked but I heard them laughing behind my back.
Now thats funny. You should fall more often.
My family have always been very worried about me. Even as a kid and even more to this day.
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