What would you do if you are walking with your girlfriend and you run into a bad ex girlfriend? I was scared shitless. I knew my ex was gonna say something or try something. She looked my girlfriend over and called her a whore. I knew today was going to be a great day when I woke up!
After a few words were exchanged I had to break it up before the fist started to fly. So ex girlfriend came out of nowhere by saying that I slept with her this weekend! Fucking bullshit! I was with everybody including my girlfriend and friends the entire weekend. My girlfriend knew she was full of shit. I just let her loose. I never liked her anyways. Too possessive and paranoid. I had to eventually stop the talking back and forth again and just leave.
Why do this?! We are broken up. We haven't even seen each other in about a year and the first thing to come out of her mouth is calling my girlfriend a whore? Shit! Come on! Forget me!
When I broke up with her I destroyed everything she gave me. I actually bought a new bat and destroyed every single thing. It was really satisfying. I felt I was a born again hellion.
Some people you just wish you never met. I don't know what I saw in her. The relationship barely lasted a month. It was hell I tell ya! Questions like, Where are you going? Where have you been? What are you doing? Why are you wearing that? Where?! What?! Why?! every single day! Headaches every day dating her. There was no love in that relationship. Arguing back and forth day after day all night. I'm getting a headache just writing this. Is there a such thing as a nice ex girlfriend anymore?
Passenger 57
Non-refundable; non-exchangeable ticket.
The flight doors are now closed!
Breaking up is an experience. It can be especially painful when you still
love t...
10 years ago
I don't know what you saw in her. She looked like a troll.
How old is this nut job?? Tell her to grow the fuck up!!! Man, I don't even know you all, but reading that...she pissed ME off!!
One month does not a relationship make, especially one to get all crazy bitch about!
I hear ya on the possive thing. Chad's buddies at work can't do ANYTHING with out their wife cryin' about it! I'm soooo not that way I don't care what he does as long as he helps out to... They think I'm the awesomest girl cause I don't even care if he goes to the strip club, hell I love to go!! Whats a relationship without trust????
Well back in my past I thought trolls were really hot.
That's why I like beyond me. I can go missing for months and she would not call the police or my cellphone once. That's love.
My ex I guess didn't take the break up so well. Am I that desirable? Damn right. I'm just forgetting that day ever happened. But I do sometimes wonder what my ex girlfriends are doing nowadays. They made for great stories on this blog.
Well look atcha all cute and stuff.
It's a wonder Beyond Me lets ya out at all.
heh heh I'm kiddin.
Which psycho are we talkin bout cause present company excluded all your ex's are whack jobs.
Is she the one that socked ya in the nose?
Kick her ass Beyond Me-Me and Kate got your back.
This keeper was before I started blogging. I would've been posting hourly my problems I had with her.
True, most of my ex's are whack jobs. I seem to know how to pick 'em.
Beyond Me can definetly take care of herself. She might seem sweet in nature but she has a side of her that scares me sometimes.
Awww, you think I'm sweet!
After this friendly encounter, I can't wait to meet your other ex girlfriends.
I'm not worried about the bitch though. She just better hope I don't kick her ass next time I see her.
beyond me I gotta hand it to ya though...cuase if it were me and that bitch started going after me and callin me a whore, when she doesn't even know ya, I'd had to bitch slap her a good one!!! My temper isn't the best when it comes to shit like that!!
The thing that makes me totally different from my girlfriend is that she has to be pushed so far for her to react crazy. I on the other hand, if somebody came up to me and cursed or did whatever to me and I didn't know who the fuck they were, I would kick their fucking ass because they came up to me starting shit so I had to give them shit. My people skills aren't the best nowadays.
People skills depend on the people you're dealing with... If your dealing with fucktards, then you don't really need people skills you need kickin' ass skills!! lol..
That's my problem, kick ass first and never ask questions.
Kate's feisty...I love her!
I'm all for second chances. It's obvious that the whore thought she was better than me. And as she could see, I have the boyfriend now.
I just didn't want to hurt her. Once I get started I can't seem to stop until the other person is completely down (not moving or bleeding a lot).
I'm all up to see a big catfight. Feel free to fall in some random pool of mud and rip off your t-shirts.
I can see you carring around a bucket of mud around ... "just in case.... "
Ya never know when you might just need that mud.
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