Saturday, August 30, 2008

Playing With Dick

It's a Saturday night and I'm playing with my buddy Dick. Dick and I has some friends over tonight. Dick got a little wasted and had a little too much to drink. Dick can't hold his liquor. Dick vomited all over everybody. Dick got the girls soaking wet. Everybody had a little Dick on them tonight. Dick is gonna have a rough day in the morning. Dick is a little stiff when he wakes up in the morning. Dick likes to jump a round for a bit to get a load off before he starts his day. Dick is such a ladies man. All the girls love to kiss Dick. Dick did get his heart broken one time. Dick was upset. Dick was down and limp for awhile. Eventually Dick met the girl of his dreams. Dick didn't know the girl of his dreams had a controlling ex boyfriend. But Dick knows how to get out of sticky situations. Now Dick and girl of his dreams can live happily ever after.


SpanishGoth said...

Dick doesn't sound happy at all. Perhaps Dick needs a pussy to love and stroke and stuff...

Unknown said...

Dick keeps getting dicked around.