What a fucked up year! I came like so close to blowing my fucking brains out by this date, but I'm here. A year ago from this date I was in New York City with my friends and then girlfriend BM without a care in the world. And now, I'm just with my friends. I went through a lot and it was a learning experience, one hell of a learning experience. I set a few resolutions next year. Lay off the drugs, quit drinking (effective Jan 2) and most of all, Be Happy. My mentor told me that. Told me that everytime I feel down, just think about the Bobby Mcferrin song. Now that it's stuck in my head I have a whole new reason to kill myself. But all jokes aside, I hope everybody that reads this blog has a Happy New Year. I sense good things coming my way in the new year. I'm already a little happier. I don't know if I could deal with another meltdown.
But for tonight I will get crunked and fucked up beyond repair. I'm making sure this year I will fucking forget every fucked up emotional thing that happened to me. I am the sick one, so I will make sure it's sick. GOOD FUCKING NIGHT ALL! You know, we all know that I won't be able to stop drinking so I can just mark that right off the list.
Passenger 57
Non-refundable; non-exchangeable ticket.
The flight doors are now closed!
Breaking up is an experience. It can be especially painful when you still
love t...
10 years ago