You know that feeling when you date somebody and you come back home thinking that she might just be the one, the one to probably destroy you emotionally. Well I got that feeling.
I knew their was something weird about her. It started at dinner when out of nowhere she called the hostess a bitch. I had to do a doubletake. She thought I was checking her out. Then she started arguing at me. Then she laughed and told me that she's just nervous. I nervously laughed too and thought "psycho". I think she's bipolar. Just what I need, a jealous girlfriend. Made me wish I wore a cup just in case she wants to kick me in the nads instead of a goodnight kiss. By now I already know this date was going to be a blast. She actually was very calm for the rest of the night. Being the gentleman I am or close enough to it, I gave a kiss goodbye.
Besides the scary encounter at the beginning, the rest was great. We're going back out Friday.
Passenger 57
Non-refundable; non-exchangeable ticket.
The flight doors are now closed!
Breaking up is an experience. It can be especially painful when you still
love t...
9 years ago
Hooray - nutter alert.
Look behind the couch for squirrels - evil little bastards
She has such an angel face but a dark side. I don't know what to expect. If she doesn't kill me on the 2nd date then I know she's a keeper.
"a keeper"
a keeper?
2nd date and you're thinking keeper?
My gosh how times have changed. 2nd date when I was dating [yeah long time ago] was thinking if you were gonna get laid or not, not spend the rest of your life with someone. ESPECIALLY if you just got out of a relationship.
Tell me you're fibbing and times haven't changed that much.
Glad to hear she didn't stab you in the eye with a fork though. That woulda sucked on a first date.
Angel face with a dark side? That'll be her bum you idiot
Turn her the other way around
A keeper in my book is at least a few weeks. I wouldn't be caught dead letting her move in.
WHat Kimmyk says.....
I'd be fucking running......
Yea I missed something. Let me read on
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