Sunday, May 04, 2008

It's Been A Long Time Baby

Sorry for the drop off. The break up was smooth and quick. Her boyfriend broke up with her and I left her at the restaurant crying. I'm sure I'll see her trying to destroy my life like so many others had in my past and now my future.

I started thinking about things over the past few days. Kind of one of those life changing things. Life is short, especially when you try to kill yourself, so why not make the most of it. As I try to figure that out, I'll continue to speak my mine. Perhaps knock a hooker up so she can abort my bastard child and elope and move to Sweden and have an affair with a 80 year woman at her husband's funeral while banging her daughter. You only have one life, and life is short, so just fuck it over as much as possible. Goodnight!


Shelli said...

I love the new layout- I can read your posts without going blind now. :)

Suggest you make sure that 80 y/o woman is rich, or her dead husband is. Just sayin'.

Oh, and you said: "I'd make sure my kids are always wearing a bulletproof vest and a helmet and knee pads." === yet they still aren't safe, sadly.

Welcome back! I missed you.

Oh, and first, bitchezzzz!

Kate Michele said...

I was just thinking the other day that its been a while since i've went furneral bangin. :D

Unknown said...

Holy shit! Look who's still alive.

Beyond Me said...

about time you came back. what a post! at least make sure the old lady is hot and make sure she gets tested

ysfb said...

The old lady knows how to work it.