Monday, November 10, 2008

Hells To The Yeah

Sticking aluminum foil in a glass bottle and filling it with gasoline and putting inside a microwave.

Life is boring so I guess I'll give an update.

Voting girl was a dud. Her laugh was annoying. I can't continue a relationship with that laugh. Her laugh is like trying to laugh while choking to death. I accidentally lost her phone number.

I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian. Start buying more weed and eating more shrooms.

I didn't have a drink at all this weekend. I've been sober for two days and I'm proud of myself. I plan on celebrating life without alcohol this coming weekend with a keg of Zima.

I don't think I'm gonna make it to 1000 post by the end of the year. I'm like 200 posts behind. With such riveting things going in my life now I'll have 200 more to go.


Euromark said...

vegetarians eat much more than weeds and ground fungus. Soy products - tofu, tempeh, then many grains, miso, seaweed - cool, huh?

Shelli said...

I am all for sharing some of life's vegetation- mushrooms perhaps?


i drank myself to oblivion all frigging weekend. I think november is national shelli gets blasted month. sounds good to me. I'm excited for saturday.

I also bought the cutest pipe today, and i don't even smoke. i couldn't resist. i think it'll make a nice xmas gift for someone.


Leni Qinan said...

Hm... I see you rather as a meat-eater, but who knows...

You can reach 1000 posts if you write write write write!

Unknown said...

I have nothing to day. I'm cracking up though.